Accredited doctoral programmes in University of Forestry – Sofia |
Name |
Valid until: |
Rating |
Professional field |
Annotation |
Economy and Management (Forestry and Forest industry) |
13.01.2021 |
8,87 |
3.7 Administration and Management |
Organization and Management of Production (Forestry and Forest industry) |
13.01.2021 |
8,54 |
3.7 Administration and Management |
Application of Computing in the Economy |
13.01.2021 |
8,43 |
3.7 Administration and Management |
Ecology and Enviromental Protection |
17.06.2025 |
9,61 |
4.4 Earth Sciences |
General, Advance and Applied Geodesy |
23.02.2023 |
8,83 |
5.7 Architecture, Construction and Geodesy |
Photogrammetry and Distance Methods |
23.02.2024 |
9,08 |
5.7 Architecture, Construction and Geodesy |
Machinery and Equipment in Wood Husbandry, Wood Timber, Woodwork and Furniture Industry |
20.12.2025 |
9,10 |
5.13 General Engineering |
Wood Husbandry and Wood Timber Technology, Mechanisation and Automation |
20.12.2025 |
9,39 |
5.13 General Engineering |
Woodwork and Furniture Industry Technology, Mechanisation and Automation |
20.12.2025 |
9,46 |
5.13 General Engineering |
Timber Studies and Timber Materials |
20.12.2025 |
9,15 |
5.13 General Engineering |
Ergonomics and industrial design |
08.12.2022 |
8,82 |
5.13 General Engineering |
General agriculture |
13.09.2023 |
8,05 |
6.1 Plant Growing |
Soil science |
11.07.2024** |
8,10 |
6.1 Plant Growing |
Agricultural Chemistry |
10.10.2024** |
8,52 |
6.1 Plant Growing |
Crop Selection and Seed Production |
20.12.2021** |
8,04 |
6.1 Plant Growing |
Plant Growing |
13.04.2023** |
8,76 |
6.1 Plant Growing |
Vine Growing |
06.06.2024** |
8,06 |
6.1 Plant Growing |
Vegetable-Growing |
16.05.2024** |
8,16 |
6.1 Plant Growing |
Meliorations (including soil erosion and combating it) |
13.09.2023 |
8,53 |
6.1 Plant Growing |
Plant Protection |
11.04.2024 |
8,30 |
6.2 Plant Protection |
Genetics |
26.06.2025 |
8,57 |
6.3 Livestock Breeding |
Zoo hygiene and organization of veterinary services |
11.07.2024** |
8,50 |
6.4 Veterinary Medicine |
Animal and Human Physiology |
12.09.2024** |
8,17 |
6.4 Veterinary Medicine |
Morphology |
11.07.2024** |
8,80 |
6.4 Veterinary Medicine |
Animal Pathology |
08.09.2021 |
8,31 |
6.4 Veterinary Medicine |
Parasitology and Animal and Human Invasion Diseases |
17.05.2023 |
8,76 |
6.4 Veterinary Medicine |
Animal Surgery, Roentgenology and Physiotherapy |
28.03.2024** |
8,76 |
6.4 Veterinary Medicine |
Animal Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Newborn Animal Diseases |
08.09.2021 |
8,51 |
6.4 Veterinary Medicine |
Epizootiology, Infectious Diseases and Prevention of Communicative Diseases among Animals |
13.02.2025 |
8,85 |
6.4 Veterinary Medicine |
Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise |
20.07.2023** |
8,36 |
6.4 Veterinary Medicine |
Forestry, Selection and Seed Production |
16.05.2025 |
9,18 |
6.5 Forestry |
Forest Management and Taxation |
24.07.2025 |
9,21 |
6.5 Forestry |
Silviculture (incl. Dendrology)
24.07.2025 |
9,54 |
6.5 Forestry |
Forest Melioration, Forest Protection and Special Forest Uses |
16.05.2025 |
9,13 |
6.5 Forestry |
Settlement and Landscape Greenery Planting |
16.05.2025 |
9,46 |
6.5 Forestry |
Hunting Farming |
24.07.2025 |
9,28 |
6.5 Forestry |