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Accredited doctoral programmes in Medical University "Prof. Paraskev Stoyanov" - Varna
Name Date of accreditation granted** / Valid until: Rating Professional field Annotation
Medical Psychology 22.12.2023  9,01 3.2 Psychology pdf 16x16 
Organization and Management outside the Sphere of Material Production (in Healthcare)  29.11.2023 9,39 3.7 Administration and Management pdf 16x16
Bioorganic Chemistry, Natural and Physiologically Active Substances Chemistry  26.02.2024 9,54 4.2 Chemical Sciences  
Analytical Chemistry 28.01.2024 8,95 4.2 Chemical Sciences pdf 16x16
Genetics 15.04.2025  9,45 4.3 Biological Sciences  pdf 16x16
Molecular Biology 15.04.2024 8,72 4.3 Biological Sciences pdf 16x16
Biochemistry 18.12.2023 9,13 4.3 Biological Sciences  
Microbiology 24.07.2023 9,68 4.3 Biological Sciences  pdf 16x16
Virology 24.07.2023 9,63 4.3 Biological Sciences  pdf 16x16
Surgery 20.09.2024 9,29 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Immunology 13.07.2023** 8,52 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Medical Genetics 13.07.2023** 8,84 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Microbiology 13.07.2023** 8,80 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Internal diseases 21.11.2025 9,07 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Medical radiology and X-ray (including the use of radioactive isotopes 20.09.2024 9,20 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Cardiosurgery 15.09.2022** 8,75 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Professional diseases 07.02.2024 8,97 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Rheumatology 15.09.2022** 8,85 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Anatomy, Histology and Cytology  21.02.2025  9,38 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Pathoanatomy and Cytopathology 02.06.2022** 9,41 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Pathophysiology 21.02.2025 9,06 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Clinical Laboratory 07.03.2025 9,10 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Gastroenterology 07.03.2025  9,12 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Nephrology 03.10.2025 9,14 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Endocrinology  07.03.2025 9,12 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Pulmonary Diseases 03.10.2025  9,24 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Neurology  25.07.2025  9,13 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Psychiatry 21.03.2025 9,19 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16 
Child psychiatry 21.03.2024 8,84 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Forensic psychiatry 21.03.2024 8,76 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Dermatology and Veneorology  07.03.2025  9,15 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Pharmacology (including Pharmacokinetics and Chemotherapy) 25.01.2024**  9,40 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Human Physiology 25.01.2024** 9,21 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Epidemiology  08.07.2021** 9,38 7.1 Medicine  
Hygiene (incl. Occupational, Commune, School, Radiational etc.) 30.01.2026 9,06 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Infectious Diseases 08.07.2021** 9,37 7.1 Medicine  
Plastic, Restorative and Aesthetic Surgery 02.06.2022** 9,01 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Otorhinolaryngology 25.07.2025  9,10 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Ophthalmology 25.07.2025  9,19 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care 14.10.2021** 9,40 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Hematology and Blood Transfusion 25.06.2026 9,34 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Orthopaedics and Traumatology 21.02.2025  9,23 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Neurosurgery 05.07.2024 9,27  7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Urology 07.03.2025  9,14 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Thoracic Surgery


 9,16 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 14.10.2021** 9,39 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Oncology 02.06.2022** 9,39 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Cardiology 05.07.2024  9,24 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Vascular Surgery 14.10.2021** 9,34 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Paediatrics 29.03.2024  9,20 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16 
Social Medicine and organization of healthcare and pharmacy 17.05.2024  9,28 7.1 Medicine  
Physiotherapy, Resorts and Rehabilitation 07.02.2024 8,97 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Toxicology 02.06.2022** 9,16 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
General Medicine 13.05.2021** 9,19 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Disaster Medicine 25.06.2026 9,31 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Forensic medicine and deontology 21.02.2025 9,16 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Dental Surgery 20.01.2021** 9,05 7.2 Dental Medicine  
Therapeutic Dentistry 12.05.2022** 9,41 7.2 Dental Medicine  
Pediatric Dentistry 12.05.2022** 9,33 7.2 Dental Medicine  
Orthopedic Dentistry 12.05.2022** 9,40 7.2 Dental Medicine  
Orthodontics 25.07.2024** 8,89 7.2 Dental Medicine  pdf 16x16
Dental Implantology 25.07.2024** 8,85 7.2 Dental Medicine pdf 16x16
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 07.07.2022** 8,20 7.3 Pharmacy pdf 16x16
Pharmacology (including Pharmacokinetics and Chemotherapy) 23.11.2023** 8,91 7.3 Pharmacy pdf 16x16
Pharmaceutical Chemistry 23.11.2023** 9,09 7.3 Pharmacy  pdf 16x16
Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Regulation 10.02.2022** 8,70 7.3 Pharmacy  
Disaster Medicine 09.03.2023** 8,78 7.4 Public Health pdf 16x16
Health Care Management 13.04.2023** 9,42 7.4 Public Health  pdf 16x16
Public Health Management 13.04.2023** 9.56 7.4 Public Health  pdf 16x16

** The term of validity of the accreditation is until the next accreditation of a professional field, according to the schedule under Art. 81, para. 2 of the Higher Education Act

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