You can send your questions to the email qa@neaa.government.bg
During 2023 NEAA together with the “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv organized and hosted two separate training seminars for NEAA quality assurance experts. The subject of the seminars was “The novel aspects of NEAA’s criteria”.
The first seminar was hosted on 20.06.2023, during which the criteria for subsequent institutional accreditation were discussed, as well as their procedural implementation.
The second seminar took place on 03.07.2023 and was focused on the content and theoretical and practical implementation of the new criteria for programme accreditation of Professional Fields and Specialties from the Regulated Professions in accordance with art. 78, para. 3 from the Higher Education Act.
Both seminars were hosted by prof. Maria Schnitter, vice-president of NEAA.
The following link contains images from the seminar on 03.07.2023:
Following are pictures from the seminar on 20.06.2023: