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Meeting of PKA and NEAA authorities in Poland
On 25 – 26 November 2014 authorities of the Polish Accreditation Committee had the honour to host the meeting with representatives of National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency of Republic of Bulgaria (NEAA). The meeting was focused on exchange of information on development of both agencies and actions resulting from memorandum of cooperation that PKA and NEAA signed in September 2014.
NEAA performs similar to PKA role in Bulgaria – it is a a statutory body for evaluation, accreditation and monitoring of the quality in higher education institutions aiming at their development. Both agencies conduct programme (that is at a given field of study) and institutional assessments. The scope of the latter one in Bulgaria however concerns higher education institutions as a whole, while in Poland it focuses on selected basic organisational units of HEIs.
Attendants of the meeting that lasted for several hours discussed current solutions adopted within the accreditation systems in Poland and Bulgaria (and foreseen ones too) , including different function of institutional assessment (in Bulgaria it has preliminary status while in Poland it itself is kind of honour), human resources of both agencies, internal structure as well as experiences regarding efforts to involve representatives of employers and international experts.
Photo relation of the meeting is presented below. All pictures are authored by Krzysztof Wojciewski.
On 25 – 26 November 2014 authorities of the Polish Accreditation Committee had the honour to host the meeting with representatives of National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency of Republic of Bulgaria (NEAA). The meeting was focused on exchange of information on development of both agencies and actions resulting from memorandum of cooperation that PKA and NEAA signed in September 2014.
NEAA performs similar to PKA role in Bulgaria – it is a a statutory body for evaluation, accreditation and monitoring of the quality in higher education institutions aiming at their development. Both agencies conduct programme (that is at a given field of study) and institutional assessments. The scope of the latter one in Bulgaria however concerns higher education institutions as a whole, while in Poland it focuses on selected basic organisational units of HEIs.
Attendants of the meeting that lasted for several hours discussed current solutions adopted within the accreditation systems in Poland and Bulgaria (and foreseen ones too) , including different function of institutional assessment (in Bulgaria it has preliminary status while in Poland it itself is kind of honour), human resources of both agencies, internal structure as well as experiences regarding efforts to involve representatives of employers and international experts.
Photo relation of the meeting is presented below. All pictures are authored by Krzysztof Wojciewski.
- See more at: http://www.pka.edu.pl/en/2014/12/01/meeting-pka-neaa-authorities-poland/#sthash.eRt9GW3F.dpufOn 25 – 26 November 2014 authorities of the Polish Accreditation Committee had the honour to host the meeting with representatives of National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency of Republic of Bulgaria (NEAA). The meeting was focused on exchange of information on development of both agencies and actions resulting from memorandum of cooperation that PKA and NEAA signed in September 2014.
NEAA performs similar to PKA role in Bulgaria – it is a a statutory body for evaluation, accreditation and monitoring of the quality in higher education institutions aiming at their development. Both agencies conduct programme (that is at a given field of study) and institutional assessments. The scope of the latter one in Bulgaria however concerns higher education institutions as a whole, while in Poland it focuses on selected basic organisational units of HEIs.
Attendants of the meeting that lasted for several hours discussed current solutions adopted within the accreditation systems in Poland and Bulgaria (and foreseen ones too) , including different function of institutional assessment (in Bulgaria it has preliminary status while in Poland it itself is kind of honour), human resources of both agencies, internal structure as well as experiences regarding efforts to involve representatives of employers and international experts.
Photo relation of the meeting is presented below. All pictures are authored by Krzysztof Wojciewski.
- See more at: http://www.pka.edu.pl/en/2014/12/01/meeting-pka-neaa-authorities-poland/#sthash.eRt9GW3F.dpuf