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On December 6, 2023, a seminar on the subject of "European Universities - trends and perspectives" was held in the Rectorate of the National Sports Academy, Sofia. The event was hosted by the Ministry of Education and Science and the National Sports Academy. At the meeting, a special guest was Dagmar Provijn, representative and policy advisor of the Accreditation Agency of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO), who presented results and implications of the EUniQ project related to university alliances in the European Higher Education Area. The meeting was attended by representatives of Bulgarian universities already participating in European alliances or interested in the possibility of joining such, including the University of Forrestry, University of National and World Economics, University of Shumen, National Sports Academy, and others. Dyani Kurulenko, a junior expert in the "International Cooperation" department of NEAA also took part in the meeting.

On December 7, a meeting on the same subject was organized by the Deputy Minister of Education, Prof. Genka Petrova-Tashkova, with the participation of Mr. Provijn and Prof. Eliza Stefanova, President of NEAA.

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