Accredited professional fields and Majors from the regulated professions in
Todor Kableshkov University of Transport - Sofia
Professional field/Major from the regulated professions |
Valid until: |
Rating |
Capacity by educational and qualification degrees |
Annotation |
Annotation PAMC
professional bachelor |
bachelor |
master |
total |
3.8. |
Economics |
17.04.2024 |
8,13 |
550 |
170 |
720 |
5.1. |
Mechanics |
05.12.2019 |
8,53 |
600 |
125 |
725 |
5.2. |
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation |
03.06.2022 |
9,00 |
300 |
200 |
500 |
5.3. |
Communication and Computer Equipment |
14.12.2023** |
9,17 |
390 |
220 |
610 |
5.5. |
Transport, Navigation and Aviation |
03.07.2026 |
340 |
220 |
560 |
5.7. |
Architecture, Construction and Geodesy |
09.12.2022 |
9,24 |
330 |
220 |
550 |
5.13. |
General Engineering |
01.12.2023 |
9,27 |
270 |
50 |
320 |
Reports on completed programme accreditation procedures of professional fields are published on the Bulgarian version of the website. |