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Accredited doctoral programmes in Academy of Ministry of Interior - Sofia
Name Date of accreditation granted** / Valid until: Rating Professional field Annotation
Psychology of Activity  12.01.2023** 9,10 3.2 Psychology  pdf 16x16
Administrative Law and Administrative Case  11.07.2024** 9,04 3.6 Law  pdf 16x16
Criminal Law 23.06.2022 9,23 3.6 Law  
Trial 23.06.2022 9,27 3.6 Law  
Criminalistics 01.11.2024** 9,19 3.6 Law  pdf 16x16
Criminology 01.11.2024** 9,12 3.6 Law  pdf 16x16
Technique of Labour Safety and Fire Equipment  15.09.2023 9,22 5.7 Architecture, Construction and Geodesy  pdf 16x16
Population and National Economy Preservation in Critical Situations 15.09.2023 9,13 5.7 Architecture, Construction and Geodesy  pdf 16x16
Organisation and Management in Areas Other Than Material Production Field (National Security) 10.03.2022 9,47 9.1 National Security  pdf 16x16

 **The term of validity of the accreditation is until the next accreditation of a professional field, according to the schedule under Art. 81, para. 2 of the Higher Education Act

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