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Accredited doctoral programmes in University of Forestry – Sofia
Name Valid until: Rating Professional field Annotation
Economy and Management (Forestry and Forest industry) 13.01.2021 8,87 3.7 Administration and Management pdf 16x16
Organization and Management of Production (Forestry and Forest industry) 13.01.2021 8,54 3.7 Administration and Management pdf 16x16
Application of Computing in the Economy 13.01.2021 8,43 3.7 Administration and Management pdf 16x16
Ecology and Enviromental Protection  17.06.2025 9,61 4.4 Earth Sciences  pdf 16x16
General, Advance and Applied Geodesy 23.02.2023 8,83 5.7 Architecture, Construction and Geodesy  pdf 16x16
Photogrammetry and Distance Methods 23.02.2024 9,08 5.7 Architecture, Construction and Geodesy  pdf 16x16
Machinery and Equipment in Wood Husbandry, Wood Timber, Woodwork and Furniture Industry  20.12.2025 9,10 5.13 General Engineering  
Wood Husbandry and Wood Timber Technology, Mechanisation and Automation  20.12.2025 9,39 5.13 General Engineering  
Woodwork and Furniture Industry Technology, Mechanisation and Automation 20.12.2025 9,46 5.13 General Engineering  
Timber Studies and Timber Materials 20.12.2025 9,15 5.13 General Engineering  
Ergonomics and industrial design 08.12.2022 8,82 5.13 General Engineering pdf 16x16
General agriculture 13.09.2023 8,05  6.1 Plant Growing  pdf 16x16
Soil science 11.07.2024** 8,10 6.1 Plant Growing pdf 16x16
Agrochemistry 13.09.2023  8,51 6.1 Plant Growing  pdf 16x16
Crop Selection and Seed Production  20.12.2021** 8,04 6.1 Plant Growing pdf 16x16 
Plant Growing 13.04.2023** 8,76 6.1 Plant Growing pdf 16x16 
Vine Growing 06.06.2024**  8,06 6.1 Plant Growing  pdf 16x16
Vegetable-Growing 16.05.2024**  8,16 6.1 Plant Growing  pdf 16x16
Meliorations (including soil erosion and combating it) 13.09.2023 8,53 6.1 Plant Growing pdf 16x16
Plant Protection 11.04.2024 8,30 6.2 Plant Protection  pdf 16x16
Genetics 26.06.2025  8,57 6.3 Livestock Breeding  
Zoo hygiene and organization of veterinary services 11.07.2024** 8,50 6.4 Veterinary Medicine pdf 16x16
Animal and Human Physiology 07.08.2023  8,50 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  pdf 16x16
Morphology 11.07.2024**  8,80 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  pdf 16x16
Animal Pathology 08.09.2021 8,31 6.4 Veterinary Medicine pdf 16x16
Parasitology and Animal and Human Invasion Diseases 17.05.2023  8,76 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  pdf 16x16
Animal Surgery, Roentgenology and Physiotherapy 28.03.2024**  8,76 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  pdf 16x16
Animal Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Newborn Animal Diseases 08.09.2021 8,51 6.4 Veterinary Medicine pdf 16x16 
Epizootiology, Infectious Diseases and Prevention of Communicative Diseases among Animals 13.02.2025 8,85 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  
Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise 20.07.2023** 8,36 6.4 Veterinary Medicine pdf 16x16
Forestry, Selection and Seed Production 16.05.2025 9,18 6.5 Forestry  pdf 16x16
Forest Management and Taxation 24.07.2025 9,21 6.5 Forestry  pdf 16x16

Silviculture (incl. Dendrology)

24.07.2025 9,54 6.5 Forestry  pdf 16x16
Forest Melioration, Forest Protection and Special Forest Uses  16.05.2025 9,13 6.5 Forestry  pdf 16x16
Settlement and Landscape Greenery Planting 16.05.2025 9,46 6.5 Forestry

 pdf 16x16

Hunting Farming 24.07.2025 9,28 6.5 Forestry  pdf 16x16

 **The term of validity of the accreditation is until the next accreditation of a professional field, according to the schedule under Art. 81, para. 2 of the Higher Education Act

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