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Accredited doctoral programmes in Trakia University – Stara Zagora
Name Date of accreditation granted** / Valid until: Rating Professional field Annotation
Education and Didactics Theory (Medical Faculty) 21.11.2022  8,76 1.2 Pedagogy  pdf 16x16
Special Education (Medical Faculty)  no accreditation granted   1.2 Pedagogy  pdf 16x16
Theory of education and didactics (Social Work) no accreditation granted   1.2 Pedagogy pdf 16x16
Education and Didactics Theory 04.02.2021**  9,05 1.2 Pedagogy  pdf 16x16
Special Pedagogy 09.02.2022 9,07 1.2 Pedagogy pdf 16x16
Methodology in training Mathematics in Preschool Education and at the First Stage of the Basic Educational Degree 04.02.2021** 8,94 1.3 Pedagogy in training... pdf 16x16
Medical Psychology  25.11.2021 8,77 3.2 Psychology  pdf 16x16
Organisation and Management in Areas Other Than Material Poduction Field (Social Activities)  25.04.2022 8,37 3.4 Social Activities  pdf 16x16
Production Organisation and Management (Agriculture) 15.12.2021 8,31 3.7 Administration and Management  pdf 16x16
National Economy (Regional Economy and National Economy History)  15.12.2021 8,34 3.8 Economics  pdf 16x16
Economy and Management (Agriculture) 25.01.2024** 8,52 3.8 Economics  pdf 16x16
Medical Physics 14.09.2021** 8,05 4.1 Physical Sciences  pdf 16x16
Bioorganic chemistry, the chemistry of natural and physiologically active substances (taught both in Bulgarian and English ) 28.06.2027 9,62 4.2 Chemical Sciences  pdf 16x16
Genetics (Faculty of Agriculture) 07.03.2022 9,39 4.3 Biological Sciences  pdf 16x16
Zoology (Faculty of Agriculture) 06.10.2022** 8,93 4.3 Biological Sciences  pdf 16x16
Biophysics (Faculty of Medicine) 


9,22 4.3 Biological Sciences  pdf 16x16
Biochemistry (taught both in Bulgarian and English) 19.05.2022** 9,26 4.3 Biological Sciences  pdf 16x16
Biochemistry (Faculty of Agriculture) 15.09.2022** 8,96 4.3 Biological Sciences  pdf 16x16
Microbiology (Faculty of Agriculture) 07.03.2022 9,53 4.3 Biological Sciences   pdf 16x16
Microbiology (Faculty of Medicine) 27.12.2021 8,70 4.3 Biological Sciences   pdf 16x16
Animal and Human Physiology (Faculty of Agriculture) 07.03.2022 9,46 4.3 Biological Sciences  pdf 16x16
Morphology (Faculty of Agriculture) 07.03.2021 8,97 4.3 Biological Sciences  pdf 16x16
Genetics 15.10.2024 9,01 4.3 Biological Sciences  pdf 16x16
Molecular Biology 15.10.2024 9,28 4.3 Biological Sciences  pdf 16x16
Ecology and Ecosystems Protection (Faculty of Agriculture) 15.12.2022** 9,27 4.3 Biological Sciences   pdf 16x16
Botany (Faculty of Agriculture) 06.10.2022** 9,02 4.3 Biological Sciences   pdf 16x16
Plant Growing Mechanisation and Electrification 02.12.2021 8,30 5.1 Mechanics  pdf 16x16
Internal Combustion Engines 30.06.2022** 8,20 5.1 Mechanics  pdf 16x16
Sewing Production Technology 30.06.2022** 8,23 5.1 Mechanics pdf 16x16 
Artwork and Modeling of Textile and Tailoring Products, Clothing and Footwear 30.06.2022** 8,38 5.1 Mechanics pdf 16x16
Automation of engineering work and CAD systems 02.12.2021 8,38 5.2 Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation pdf 16x16
Automated systems of information processing and management 02.12.2021 8,42 5.2 Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation pdf 16x16
Animal and Plant Fats, Soaps, Essential Oils and Perfume and Cosmetics Technology 29.01.2021 8,88 5.12 Food Technologies  pdf 16x16
Fruit and Vegetable Cans Technology 29.01.2021 8,85 5.12 Food Technologies  pdf 16x16
Livestock Breeding Mechanisation and Electrification 26.01.2024 9,31 5.13 General Engineering  pdf 16x16
Milk and Dairy Products Technology 26.01.2024 9,20 5.13 General Engineering pdf 16x16 
Meat and Fish Products Technology  26.01.2023 8,78 5.13 General Engineering pdf 16x16 
Fodder Production, Meadow Cultivation 02.06.2022** 9,23 6.1 Plant Growing pdf 16x16
Plant Growing  02.06.2022** 9,13 6.1 Plant Growing pdf 16x16
Agrochemistry 02.06.2022** 9,15 6.1 Plant Growing pdf 16x16
Livestock Breeding, Reproduction Biology and Biotechnology 29.06.2023** 9,07 6.3 Livestock Breeding  pdf 16x16 
Livestock Feeding and Fodder Technology 29.06.2023** 9,08 6.3 Livestock Breeding  pdf 16x16 
Cattle and Buffalo Breeding 20.07.2023** 9,17 6.3 Livestock Breeding  pdf 16x16
Sheep and Goat Breeding 20.07.2023** 9,08 6.3 Livestock Breeding  pdf 16x16
Fishery, Fish Farming and Industrial Fishing 29.06.2023** 9,25 6.3 Livestock Breeding  pdf 16x16
Pig Farming 20.07.2023** 9,00 6.3 Livestock Breeding  pdf 16x16
Poultry 29.06.2023** 9,03 6.3 Livestock Breeding   pdf 16x16 
Special Sectors (Horses, Silkworms, Rabbits, Game Industry, Bees, etc.)  29.06.2023** 9,23 6.3 Livestock Breeding  pdf 16x16
Feeding livestock and feed technology 24.03.2022 9,56 6.3 Livestock Breeding   pdf 16x16
Animal and Human Physiology 06.10.2022** 9,17 6.3 Livestock Breeding   pdf 16x16
Genetics 06.10.2022** 9,14 6.3 Livestock Breeding   pdf 16x16
Zoohygiene and Veterinary Service Organisation (Faculty of Agriculture) 06.10.2022** 9,55 6.3 Livestock Breeding  pdf 16x16
Animal Pathology 24.02.2022** 9,42 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  pdf 16x16
Bio-organic Chemistry, Chemistry of Natural and Physiologically Active Substances 13.04.2023** 8,20 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  pdf 16x16
Biochemistry 13.04.2023** 8,20 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  pdf 16x16
Animal Nutrition and Dietetics 13.04.2023** 8,20 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  pdf 16x16
Animal Surgery 30.10.2020 9,46 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  
Parasitology and Animal and Human Invasion Diseases  24.02.2022** 9,15 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  pdf 16x16
Animal Obstetrics and Gynaecology and New-Born Animals Diseases  30.10.2020 9,42 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  
Animal Health Expert Examination (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)  11.09.2020 9,26 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  
Epizootiology, Infectious Diseases and Prevention of Communicative Diseases among Animals 24.02.2022** 9,35 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  pdf 16x16
Zoohygiene and Veterinary Service Organisation (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) 11.09.2020 9,17 6.4 Veterinary Medicine  
Animal and Human Physiology (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) 16.07.2021 9,32 6.4 Veterinary Medicine pdf 16x16 
Genetics (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) 16.07.2021 9,25 6.4 Veterinary Medicine pdf 16x16 
Veterinary Microbiology (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) 16.07.2021 9,01 6.4 Veterinary Medicine pdf 16x16 
Morphology (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) 16.07.2021 9,29 6.4  Veterinary Medicine pdf 16x16
Anatomy, Histology and Cytology (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) 09.07.2021 9,18 6.4  Veterinary Medicine  pdf 16x16
Pharmacology (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)  09.07.2021 9,11 6.4  Veterinary Medicine  pdf 16x16
Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology (Faculty of Medicine)  07.07.2021 8,92 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Pathophysiology no accreditation granted   7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Anatomy, Histology and Cytology (Faculty of Medicine) 07.07.2021 8,95 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Endocrinology 04.05.2022 8,92 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Dermatology and Veneorology 03.10.2022  8,98 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Epidemiology  30.03.2023** 9,04 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Hygiene (incl. Occupational, Community, School, Radiational etc.) 25.01.2024 9,17 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Psychiatry 30.03.2023** 8,19 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Infectious Diseases  31.03.2022**  8,97 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Ophthalmology 13.04.2023** 9,04 7.1 Medicine   pdf 16x16 
General Surgery 08.06.2022 8,67 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 21.11.2024 8,86  7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Cardiology no accreditation granted   7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Vascular Surgery (Faculty of Medicine) 01.12.2022 9,03 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Paediatrics 04.05.2022 8,92 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Social Medicine and Healthcare and Pharmacy Organisation 12.01.2022 8,42 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Gastroenterology 09.07.2025 8,98  7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Neurosurgery 09.07.2025  8,93 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
General Medicine 30.03.2023** 9,04 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Parasitology and helminthology 09.12.2021** 8,75 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Immunopathology and Allergology 31.03.2022**  8,99 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Neonatology 13.02.2020 9,25 7.1 Medicine  
Disaster Medicine 08.06.2022 8,67 7.1 Medicine pdf 16x16
Occupational Diseases  09.12.2021** 8,88 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Pharmacology 13.04.2023** 9,06 7.1 Medicine  pdf 16x16
Health Care Management 25.07.2025 9,04 7.4 Public Health pdf 16x16

**The term of validity of the accreditation is until the next accreditation of a professional field, according to the schedule under Art. 81, para. 2 of the Higher Education Act

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