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The specialized administration is organized in the department “Evaluation, Accreditation and Post-Accreditation Monitoring and Control”.

The department “Evaluation, Accreditation and Post-Accreditation Monitoring and Control” supports the activities of the management bodies of the Agency, Standing Committees, and Expert Teams, in the following ways: 

1. upon order by the Chairman of the Agency, the experts of the directorate participate in procedures of evaluation and accreditation, and post accreditation monitoring and control;

2. organizes and participates in the meetings of the Standing Committees of the HE areas and of the Standing Committee for post-accreditation monitoring and control, takes minutes of the meetings and keeps their documentation;

3. collects, maintains and imports into the database of the Agency information about experts of a specific area of higher education and on post accreditation monitoring and control;

4. consults the HE institutions and scientific organizations on the preparation of documentation for accreditation and project evaluation for a specific area of higher education;

5. gives opinions on the effectiveness of the performed accreditation and project evaluation procedures and on the need for changes and improvements in the methodology of work;

6. makes suggestions for improvement of the effectiveness of the work on the accreditation and project evaluation.

Asya Stoyanova, Director

Tel.: (+359 2) 80 77 820

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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