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Standing Committee on Educational Sciences and Social Activities
The SC on Educational Sciences and Social Activities is in charge of the following areas of higher education:
1. Educational Sciences and 3. Social Science, Economic Science and Law
In accordance with the National Classification of Fields of Study in Higher Education this area includes all majors of the following professional fields:
1.1. Theory and Management of Education
1.2. Pedagogy
1.3. Pedagogy of Education in…
3.4. Social Activities
Chief officer – Asya Stoyanova
Telephone number: +359 2 8077820
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Related contents
- Standing Committee on Economic Sciences and Management
- Standing Committee on Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computing
- Standing Committee on Agrarian Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
- Standing Committee on Social and Legal Sciences, Security and Defence
- Standing Committee on Technical Sciences
- Standing Committee on Educational Sciences and Social Activities
- Standing Committee on Healthcare and Sports
- Standing Committee on Humanities and Arts