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  President of NEAA

  Prof. Eliza Petrova Stefanova, Ph.D


   e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 The President of the Agency is President of the Accreditation Council as well. The President of the AC represents the Agency and manages its activity.

The President is appointed by the Prime Minister on a full-time contract on the proposal of the Minister of Education and Science.

The President:

1. Manages the overall activities of the Agency and represents the Agency in the country and abroad;

2. Maintains the relations of the Agency with the Council of Ministers and HE institutions;

3. Maintains the relations with the Rectors’ Council;

4. Signs contracts in regard to the activities of the Agency;

5. Chairs the meetings of the Accreditation Council;

6. Appoints and dismisses by legal relation the Chairmen of the Standing Committees by the HE areas and the Chairman of the Standing Committee for post-accreditation monitoring and control.

7. Signs and terminates contracts with the members of the Standing Committees and the Expert Teams in compliance with the order set forth in the Obligations and Contracts Act;

8. Proposes in writing to the Prime Minister dismissal of a member of the Accreditation Council, after the Accreditation Council has made a decision in this regard, and notifies about the need of replacement.

9. Signs, terminates, and amends the labor contracts with the employees working in the Agency’s general administration;

10. Issues administrative acts, associated with the occurrence, changes, and termination of the legal relations with the individuals, working as state employees in the Agency’s administration;

11. Approves a list of the positions in the administration of the Agency;

12. Manages the financial assets of the Agency;

13. Submits to the Accreditation Council for approval a proposal for the budget of the Agency and for its amendment/update;

14. Appoints ad hoc committees to carry out specific tasks;

15. Proposes to the Accreditation Council for approval the membership and the tasks of the Expert Teams on procedures under art. 81, para.1, item 2, “a” and “c”, item 3,4,5, and item 6, letter “a” of the HE Act.

16. Informs the Minister of Education and Science, as well as the HE institutions, about the decisions made in regard to the evaluations and accreditations carried out.

17. Initiates business trips for the members of the Accreditation Council, the Standing Committees of the HE areas, and the Standing Committee for post-accreditation monitoring and control, as well as for the experts of the administration of the Agency, to the evaluated institutions.

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