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Accreditation Council

The Managing Authorities of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency are the Accreditation Council and its Chairperson, who is also the President of NEAA

Pursuant to Art. 87, para. 1 and para. 3 of the Higher Education Act, as of 04.10.2023, the composition of the Accreditation Council at NAOA is as follows:

         1. Prof. Eliza Petrova Stefanova, PhD – President
         2. Prof. D.Sc. Maria Antonova Schnitter – Vice President
         3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silvia Ilieva Tsvetanska
         4. Prof. Toni Dimitrova Shekerdzieva-Nowak, PhD
         5. Prof. Stanimir Angelov Yotov, PhD
         6. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gergana Boyanova
         7. Prof. DMSc Stefan Stoilov Kostianev, Corr. Member of BAS
         8. Prof. Dr. Veneta Naydenova Krasteva - Penkova
         9. Acad. D.Sc. Krasimir Todorov Atanasov, MD
        10. Prof. D.Sc. Vladimir Kostadinov Poulkov
        11. Assoc. Prof. Maria Petrova Kehayova-Stoycheva, PhD

Pursuant to Art. 87, para. 3 of the Higher Education Act, as of 17.06.2021, the composition of the Accreditation Council at NEAA is as follows:

1. Prof. Dr. Petya Lyubomirova Kabakchieva - President
2. Prof. D.Sc. Maria Antonova Schnitter – Vice President
3. Prof. Dr. Veneta Naydenova Krasteva - Penkova
4. Prof. D.Sc. Vladimir Kostadinov Poulkov
5. Prof. D.Sc. Danail Borisov Petrov, MD
6. Prof. D.Sc. Dimitar Ferdinandov Grekov
7. Prof. Dr. Zoya Kostova Mladenova
8. Prof. D.Sc. Miroslav Ivanov Dachev,Corr. Member of BAS
9. Acad. D.Sc. Krasimir Todorov Atanasov, MD
10. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silvia Ilieva Tsvetanska
11. Prof. Dr. Hristo Vasilev Georgiev

Pursuant to Art. 87, para. 3 of the Higher Education Act, as of 02.11.2020, the composition of the Accreditation Council at NEAA is as follows:

1. Prof. Dr. Petya Lyubomirova Kabakchieva - President
2. Prof. D.Sc. Maria Antonova Schnitter – Vice President
3. Prof. Dr. Veneta Naydenova Krasteva - Penkova
4. Prof. D.Sc. Vladimir Kostadinov Poulkov
5. Prof. D.Sc. Danail Borisov Petrov, MD
6. Prof. D.Sc. Dimitar Ferdinandov Grekov
7. Prof. Dr. Zoya Kostova Mladenova
8. Prof. D.Sc. Miroslav Ivanov Dachev
9. Prof. D.Sc. Nikolai Marinov Nikolov, Corr. Member of BAS
10. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silvia Ilieva Tsvetanska
11. Prof. Dr. Hristo Vasilev Georgiev

Pursuant to Art. 87, para. 3 of the Law on Higher Education, as of 14.09.2017, the composition of the Accreditation Council of NEAA is as follows:

Prof. Dr. Petya Lubomirova Kabakchieva - Chairperson

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stanka Yanakieva Velichkova - Deputy Chairperson


Prof. Dr. Zoya Kostova Mladenova

Prof. Eng. Georgi Vasilev Kamarashev

Prof. Dr. Kamen Dimov Velev

Prof. Dr. Dimitar Ferdinandov Grekov

Prof. Dr. Hristo Vasilev Georgiev

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boris Stoilov Stefanov

Prof. Dr. Danail Borisov Petrov

Prof. Dimitar Vassilev Stoyanov, PhD

Prof. Eng. Martin Dimitrov Banov


The managerial bodies of NEAA are the Accreditation Council and its Chairman who is the Chairman of the Agency, as well.

As of September 01, 2014 the Accreditation Council consists of the following members:

Prof. Boyan Biolchev – Chairman

Prof. Stanka Yanakieva Velichkova – Deputy Chairman

Prof. Valeria Fol - member

Prof. Vera Petrova Boneva - member

Prof. Ivan Stoyanov Varliakov - member

Prof. Georgi Vassilev Kamarashev - member

Prof. Dimitar Vassilev Stoyanov - member

Prof. Boris Stoilov Stefanov - member

Prof. Kamen Dimov Velev - member

Pref. Radoslav Aleksandrov Garchev - member

Prof. Todor Simeonov Kertikov - member


Prof. Ivan Panaiotov Ivanov, D.Sc. – Chairman

Prof. Danail Lazarov Danailov, D.Sc - Deputy Chairman

Acad. Ivan Nikolaev Radev  –   member

Assoc. Prof. Ivan Stoyanov Varlyakov – member

Prof. Yordan Slavov Kalaykov, D.Sc. – member

Prof. Iliya Dimitrov Gyudzhenov, Ph.D – member

Prof. Dimitar Trendafilov Yonchev, D.Sc - member

Sen. Res.Assoc.I deg. Nikolay Rusev Nikolaev, Ph.D – member

Sen. Res.Assoc.I deg. Rumiana Georgieva Radkova, Ph.D -member

Assoc.Prof. Marko Markov Todorov, Ph.D – member


Prof. Ivan Panaiotov Ivanov, D.Sc. – Chairman

Prof. Yosif Iliev Iliev, D.Sc. – Deputy Chairman

Acad. Ivan Nikolaev Radev –     member

Prof. Nikola Petkov Balabanov – member

Prof. Ivan Metodiev Simeonov –  member

Prof. Dimitar Braykov Michev, D.Sc – member

Prof. Yordan Slavov Kalaykov, D.Sc. – member

Sen. Res.Assoc.I deg.Atanas Tsvetanov Atanasov, Ph.D – member

Sen. Res.Assoc.I deg. Nikolay Rusev Nikolaev, Ph.D – member

Assoc.Prof.Georgy Rusev Marinov, Ph.D – member

Assoc.Prof.Dinko Georgiev Dinkov, Ph.D – member

The Accreditation Council

to NEAA consists of 11 members – a chairman and 10 members – Professors and Associate Professors from different areas of higher education, one of whom is a Deputy Chairman on post-accreditation monitoring and control. The members of the Accreditation council are representatives of different academic and scientific institutions:

• Six representatives of higher schools;

• One representative of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and one representative of the Academy of Agrarian sciences;

• Two representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The members of the Accreditation Council are appointed by the Prime Minister on full-time labour agreements on the basis of the proposals of the Minister of Education and Science, the Rectors’ Conference, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Agrarian Sciences.

The term of office of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and the Accreditation Council

Members is 6 years and they cannot be appointed for more than one term of office.

One half of the Accreditation Council Members, except for the Chairman, is changed every three years from each quota.

The Accreditation Council:

* develops criteria for evaluation and accreditation;

* develops the specific evaluation and accreditation procedures and the documentation regarding them;

* adopts decisions for opening of procedures in compliance with article 81, paragraph 1, item 1, item 2, letters “a” and “c”, items 3, 4, 5,and 6, letter “a” of the Higher Education Act;

* establishes standing committees by areas of higher education and expert teams to the standing committees and upon proposal of the standing committees approves the tasks and the members of the expert teams in accordance with the requested procedures;

* adopts decisions regarding opened procedures in accordance with article 81, paragraph 1, items 1, 2, letters “a” and “c”, items 3, 4, 5, and 6, letter “a” of the Higher Education Act on the basis of the reports by the standing committees;

* informs the Minister of Education and Science as well as the higher education institutions about the results of the evaluation and accreditation procedures;

* develops regulations for the activity of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency and through the Minister of Education and Science proposes the regulations for approval by the Council of Ministers.

Organizational units:

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